Focal Point July Newsletter


Do you have a story to share, an event to announce, or a piece of news that you think your neighbours would love to know about? Look no further! Focal Point, your go-to online newsletter serving our vibrant village communities, is eager to hear from YOU!

No story is too big or too small – if it matters to you, it matters to us! Submit your stories, news, and events via email to Include photos or artwork to accompany your submission (please ensure you have permission to use them) and be sure to include any relevant dates, times, and locations for events.

We can’t wait to hear from you!

News from Blofield Parish Council


Speeding continues to be a problem within the Parish, and we would like to thank Cllr. Andrew Proctor for funding some replacement batteries for our SAM2 signs. These are vehicle-activated signs that display the speed of the approaching vehicle. If it exceeds 10mph above the limit it just shows SLOW DOWN to remove the temptation to see what speed can be registered. All speeds are recorded and shared with the local police. These signs will be regularly moved around the Parish but can only be installed in sites approved by the Norfolk County Council Highways Department.

Please can we ask all drivers to be considerate and park responsibly, especially around schools, play areas and village halls. A Community Speed Watch Team can be set up with training - if enough residents volunteer their time. If you are interested in helping, please contact the clerk via email at:


The Parish Council has been successful in applying for matched funding from Norfolk County Council to improve the next section of the Public Footpath that runs from Blofield Church towards Braydeston Church (FP12). The funding will enable us to replace the old, narrow wooden sleepers with a safer surface.

We have also been successful in securing some funding towards footpath works by the current school when ownership of the school playing field transfers to the Parish Council. These works will be part of establishing a new community car park.


Marty’s Marsh has recieved permission to install a footbridge to connect Marty’s Marsh with Cremers Meadow in Brundall with work due to commence from 24th June. The delay has been for ecological surveys to check for protected water voles, which have moved on since last year! We have been working closely with Brundall Parish Council on this project which is being funded by the Parish Council applying for various grants and section 106 funds associated with local developments. We hope the footbridge and the extension of the footpath will be completed by the end of June (fingers crossed), so keep an eye on our Facebook page!

A memorial bench will also be installed by the bridge funded by a resident in memory of their beloved dog ‘Maggie May’ who loved walking in the area. At the same time eel tiles will be installed at the culvert (see image of culvert) to aid their journey upstream.


In early autumn you will also see RJ Bacon starting to repair elements of the churchyard wall that needs some TLC. This is partly funded by the R.C. Snelling Charitable Trust which, following a grant application by the Parish Council, has kindly confirmed funding of £6,000 to restore unstable sections of the wall.


The Parish Council would like to thank Freddie from Lime Creative Brickwork who rebuilt the base of the Blofield Heath Village sign after it was damaged by vehicles, and also The Tamarind Restaurant and all their staff who opened up early to supply Freddie with water and electricity.


Homeowners are again reminded that if their hedges or trees border a public footpath then it is their responsibility to cut these back to the edge of the footpath. Overgrown hedges obstructing the footpath can be reported to NCC Highways, who if they have to, will trim back overhanging vegetation and charge the individual homeowner(s) for this work. On walking the village, a number of footpaths are now severely restricted by some hedges. If your hedge is obstructing a footpath, pavement or road, please cut it soonest but CHECK FIRST if there are any nesting birds, as between March and late August, you may have nesting birds and need to avoid disturbing them. And remember, if you wish to report any road, pavement or street lighting defects to NCC Highways, this can be done online via:


Has reopened Please use it or lose it!! The Parish Council has been one of the local councils lobbying Norfolk County Council to reopen Postwick Park and Ride. The service is running as a trial and will cease if not used. The service will run every 20 minutes starting at Postwick at 07.20, stopping at the train station, Castle Meadow and the bus station, with the last journey back from the bus station at 18.20, Monday to Saturday. Passengers will be able to travel for one price at any time of day. All-day travel tickets will cost £3 for adults, £2 for concessions and 17-19-year-olds, £1.50 for children aged 5-16, and under-fives go free.


Responding to the article in the May issue of Focal Point, Blofield Parish Council read the author’s request in Focal Point. This was added to the agenda for 17th June Council meeting, when it was agreed this should be investigated and all possible efforts made to address the need for a bench. This is now being progressed.
Thank you to the resident for highlighting the issue.

Please note, the Parish Council was sadly unaware of the original request made in January and does always aim to respond to a parishioner’s requests promptly. If you have any concerns related to the Parish, please use the following contact information:

By letter: c/o The Clerk, The Lodge, 48 Panxworth Road, Panxworth, South Walsham, NR13 6DX
By email: 

To call either parish clerk: Sarah Osbaldeston – Landline: 01603 270819 / Eleanor Bannister – Mobile: 07703 124544

Minor disruptions possible on Plantation Road – around entrance to Blofield Primary School

Please note that with the installation of the new play equipment at Blofield Primary School during the school summer holidays, there may be some additional road traffic and noise when equipment is being delivered and installation takes place. Any questions please contact the Parish Clerk by email on:

A47 Dualling

If you have any questions regarding the A47 dualling, please:
0300 123 5000, or visit:

The Parish Council would love to hear from you. 

All councillors are volunteers, and we have two employed clerks. At the moment there are four vacancies for councillors. There is normally one evening meeting per month (excluding August) and then a few hours per month depending on your interests e.g. planning, speeding, environmental issues, allotments, community engagement, or any other aspect of parish life. No experience is required as training is available and the Chair, Vice Chair and clerks are always available for advice.

If we can fill these vacancies, we can achieve even more for our community! Please come and join us at a parish council meeting or call to talk to one of the clerks or councillors.

Email: or ring 07703 124544.

Questions or concerns?

Finally, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Parish Clerks by email or by telephone as above. The Council also tries to keep residents informed of general updates via but please note that if you have any questions on the posts, please email the clerks.

Everyone is also very welcome to attend any Parish Council meeting. See the website for Agendas and Minutes:

The next Blofield Parish Council meeting

Is on Monday 29th July at 7.30pm in Blofield Courthouse, 28 Yarmouth Road. You are very welcome to join for a short while or to stay for the whole meeting and learn about all the exciting projects that your Parish Council is working on. Want to make a difference? Come and talk to us.  For more information, email: or ring 01603 270819 or 07703 124544.

Meeting Dates

29 July - Parish Council Meeting

16 September - Parish Council Meeting

14 October - Parish Council Meeting

11 November - Parish Council Meeting

09 December - Parish Council Meeting


On Friday 19th July, between 5.00pm and 8.30pm, the 1st Blofield and Brundall Scout Group are hosting the annual village barbecue at the field next to Margaret Harker Hall (Yarmouth Road). After last year’s washout, we are almost certainly guaranteed sunshine. We look forward to welcoming you for sumptuous burgers (including vegetarian and gluten-free options), games, stalls, and a tombola. Please keep an eye on Facebook pages or contact us at for more details.


All are invited to come along to the Gardening Club’s July talk to be given by Josh Smith about “Goodery” – organically grown fruit and vegetable boxes. This will be on Wednesday evening, 10th July (7:30 pm) at The Margaret Harker Hall in Blofield. The Members’ competition is: “3 radishes with leaves and root intact”. Guests are invited to see what happens at Club meetings (£2.50) and new members will be warmly welcomed (£10 fee for the whole year). Refreshments and a raffle are held. Local contact for information: (01603) 715804. Club website:

The Annual Summer Show will take place on Saturday afternoon, 13th July from 2:00pm at The Margaret Harker Hall. All are welcome to come and view the garden produce and home baking exhibits, plus enjoy refreshments, raffles, plant sales, and an auction of goods at the end of the afternoon – a proper village show. Free entry. Do come!


Our small group of volunteers continue to help keep our villages reasonably free of litter, the July dates for litter-picks are:-

Monday 1st July, meet at Heathlands, Blofield Heath at 9.30am

Monday 7th July, meet at the Old Court House, Blofield at 9.30am

Anyone is welcome to join us, plenty of black bags will be available and there is never a shortage of litter unfortunately! As usual, many thanks to residents, walkers and dog-walkers who kindly pick up litter informally, it is appreciated.


An exciting opportunity to hear “The Choir of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge” singing in Blofield Church with music by Michael Haydn, Benjamin Britten, and others. On Friday 5th July at 6.30pm. Interval cheese and wine. Tickets £10 at the door.


Based at Margaret Harker Hall, Blofield, NR13 4LE. Opening Times: Mon, Tues, Thurs, and Fri – 9.00am to 3.00pm. Term time only for 2.5 – 4-year-olds. Ofsted Rated Good. For more information and to be added to our waiting list, please see our website or contact


Church Services and Meeting Dates
Church Services
Hemblington Church Sunday Services 9.30 am
Blofield Church Sunday Services 11.00 am
North Burlingham Jointly with Hemblington 9.30 am
Hemblington Church BENEFICE SERVICE 30th July 10.30 am
Blofield Church Wednesday Services 9.30 am


Rector, Revd Kevin M Billson: 01603 712299 |
Revd Sue Shillam, Curate: 01603 211629

Blofield Wardens
Yvonne Mack: 01603 715213
Stephen Wales: 01603 211931

Hemblington Wardens
Catherine Howe: 01603 270360
Simon Mutten: 01603 715701

North Burlingham 
Rev Kevin Billson: 01603 712299


Blofield Church every Wednesday during term time from 1 – 3pm.

Summer Term Dates: 5th June – 17th July.

No booking necessary – all welcome to join in the fun and friendship of this popular group.


Wednesday 17th July, 1 – 3pm. All welcome to join us for this fun annual event. Bring a picnic for lunch outside. Games, ice creams, water play, tea & cake.

Please contact Yvonne on 715213/07720942955 or Barbara on 714519 for further information or visit the Blofield Church website at


Thank you so much to everyone who supports the Foodbank at Blofield Church. The warehouse on Ivy Road is struggling to meet the demand of so many people. The basket is in the porch at Blofield Church and is delivered to the warehouse weekly, where it is distributed to families, churches, and Foodbank Centres. Your support is invaluable. Donations of tinned meat, fish, tea, coffee, cereals, toiletries, and tinned vegetables will be greatly appreciated. We are also trying to support local families in our village when in need.
Please contact Yvonne on 07720 942955 for more information.


Everyone is welcome to join us for lunch on the first and third Thursdays of each month for friendship and laughter and where a two-course lunch is provided. The group is growing monthly, for further information
please contact Jenny on 01603 712968.

The dates for July 2024 are; Thursday 4th July and Thursday 18th July


Open Garden and Plant Sale at the Bird in Hand, Blofield Heath, NR13 4QS.The garden will be open on Sat 10th and Sunday 11th August, from 11.00am till 4.00pm. Entrance £3.50. All in aid of Heathlands & Hemblington Church.


An active group which undertakes site management of local wildlife habitats, BADCOG holds fortnightly work parties on Saturday mornings starting at 10.30am and finishing no later than 1.00pm. Anyone can come and join in for as little or as long as they like or just to see what we do.

Come and admire these sites in their summer splendour.

Saturday 6th July – Blofield Church

Saturday 20th July – Howes Meadow

Saturday 3rd August – Walsham Fen

Further details and any changes to plans will be on the website


The annual parish walks will take place in:

Blofield on Thursday 4th July at 6.30pm, meeting at the Courthouse.

Blofield Heath on Thursday 18th July at 6.30pm, meeting at Heathlands.

Please come and join the Village Footpath Wardens, Yvonne and Tricia, to walk the paths in the villages. Strong shoes or boots are recommended.


If you would like to play duplicate bridge at a friendly club, come along to Horning Bridge Club. We play on Monday evenings at Horning Village Hall and on Thursday afternoons (relaxed) at Hoveton Youth and Community Centre. We would be delighted to welcome new members. Telephone: Sue for more information on 07799 777862.


The forthcoming dates for Make and Mardle at Hemblington Church will be Thursday 25th July and Tuesday 20th August from 10.00am to 12noon. Come and join us for tea/coffee, cake, chat with optional craft. All will be very welcome. For more information, please phone Catherine on 01603 270360.


A club with a history that looks to the future. Start or get back into the sport at this friendly club. We welcome new members of all standards to join and enjoy regular tennis throughout the year. We offer:

Four high-quality courts, two grass, two hard

Daytime and evening social play

Group and individual adult and junior coaching, with LTA licensed coaches

Mixed ability fun tournaments

League team play

Family, adult, and junior membership packages

Call Diana Gilder on 07799 506809 to discuss what membership offers and arrange a free taster session, or join via the website. Email: Margaret Harker Hall, Yarmouth Road, Blofield, NR13 4LE.

The Walled Garden
Community Shop & Cafe update

Our popular Friday Fizz nights in July and August are not to be missed! This summer’s events include BBQ, Platters, Tex Mex, Ploughmans, Charcuterie and Tex Mex! Be sure to check the website and come along on the nights you wish to attend. Find details of all our events at our website at and on our social media.


Do you have a story, event or cause you want to let the community know about? Send your entries to Focal Point and be featured in a future edition of the newsletter. Email Andy Broad at

Word count up to 200 words.


Heathlands Management Next Committee Meeting 2nd July at 7.30 pm

Many thanks to Sarah and all the willing volunteers who helped make our DD Celebrations a great success, and thank you to all those who turned up and supported us. Thank you, Garret, for the great BBQ as well.

Forthcoming Events:

We have plenty going on at the social club over the next month. Please see our Facebook page for up-to-date news at and our website.

Picnic in the Park on 9th June

Was another great success, thank you to the Band for a great afternoon, and the BBQ as well.

Summer Festival

Runs from Tues 16th July until Sunday 21st July. We’ll have 14 ales and 4 different ciders to sample.

50/50 Lottery Renewals

Renewals are due in July. Look out for the renewal form in the post.

EUROS Kick Off

Friday 14th June, the Social Club will be open for the England games. Come and cheer the lads and have a pint or two!

Floating Greyhounds

Join us on on the field from 3-6 pm on Sunday 30th June. BBQ from 1.30 pm. Hopeful of a lovely warm day, so bring your own chairs.

Heathlands Jumble Sale

6th July. Jumble from 12 noon, please.
Doors open at 2.00 pm.

Tea and Chat

18th June was our last one, we will hopefully be back in October. Watch this space for dates. Thank you all for your support.

Bingo Dates for July

5th, 19th, and then 2nd August. Eyes down at 7.30 pm. Cash prizes and great raffle.

Beer Festival

Dates for your diaries. Beer Festival open from Tuesday 16th July through to Sunday 21st July.

Live music on Friday with Simon Howard and his band. Also, Nippy Chippy on site.

Saturday live music from the O’fenders. BBQ from 5.00 pm until 9.00 pm.

Sunday open from 1.00 pm. Live Music - Dirty Havana from 2.00-4.00 pm.

BBQ from 1.00 pm-5.00 pm.

Come and join us, hopefully, a lovely day so bring your own chairs.

Your club 

Come and join us Tuesday through to Sunday. We usually have 3 ales on tap from various local breweries plus Lagers (Birra Moretti, Stella Artois, Carlsberg), Guinness, Woodfordes Adder, Lacons LGR, and Camden Pale Ale. We also have lots of wines, spirits, soft drinks, and snacks. Members benefit from cheaper bar prices. New Memberships are always welcome, and forms are available in the Bar.

Club Opening Hours
Day Opening Hours
Tues - Thurs Doors open at 7:30 - 11pm
Friday Doors open at 4:30 - 11pm
Saturday Doors open at 5:30 - 11pm
Sunday Doors open 2pm - 6pm


Snowy’s Nursery and Preschool in Brundall provides early years education for children aged 2 to 4 years, offering a valuable service to the children and their families within the local community. We are looking for a new Chair to lead our Management Committee. After 5 years, our current chair is stepping down. This voluntary role takes approximately 5-6 hours per month and the committee meets 6 times a year. The chair will coordinate the meetings and is the main point of contact for the committee. The Business Manager and Preschool Manager manage the day-to-day running of the preschool and as Chair, you will liaise with them. As a non-profit charity, the committee is vital to Snowy’s and without it, we would not legally be able to operate and the preschool would have to close. We appreciate our volunteers, as we know your time is valuable. You do not need to be a parent of Snowy’s to be chair, it can be anyone from within our local community. Please share with anyone you think would be interested. If you have any questions, please contact us on 01603 211445 or email Sarah Harman, Business Manager


Thanks to all who attended the successful art exhibition in the church in June, and were involved with Great Big Green Week ventures too. The church has achieved the A Rocha eco-church Silver Award for its efforts to maintain the church and churchyard sustainably and encourage reuse and recycling where possible. Diary dates: there will be two free illustrated talks in the church as part of Heritage Open Days in September. On Saturday 7th September (2:00 pm) the well-known and popular lecturer Imogen Corrigan will present “The Hazards of the Journey - pilgrimage and travel in the Middle Ages”, outlining how people organised themselves for long journeys, often in appalling conditions; who was travelling and why. On Saturday 14th September (2:00 pm) Joyce and Andrew Burtenshaw will be discussing “The Journey of St Christopher” – so well illustrated by the church’s remarkable 15th-century wall painting. All are welcome to these free events. Refreshments will be available. There is level access into the church and the W.C. Information about how to join the Friends group is available from the secretary: Email, phone 01603 715804 or see leaflets in the church. Thank you. 


It is hard to believe that we are already halfway through the year, with gardens full to bursting with all the rain we are having. Also, grass and weeds are in full growing mode. Hopefully, we will get days to just sit and enjoy all the hard work in the sunshine before too long. Our summer show is in the planning stage at the moment, the date is Saturday 27th July at Great Plumstead, something to look forward to, lots of produce and flowers to enjoy, plus the usual tea, coffee, and cakes, various stalls, books, plants, etc. We welcome all to come along in the afternoon. 2pm start. Looking forward to August 5th at Great Plumstead Village Hall, we have a treat with a talk and display with Birds of Prey and also regarding the rescue involved with caring for them. Enjoy your gardens in the coming months.


Blofield, Blofield Heath, Little Plumstead, Great Plumstead, Brundall area. I am available to babysit Friday and Saturday evenings. I have studied Child Development at GCSE and I am currently studying Health and Social Care at sixth form. I have a full DBS check completed in September 2023. I am reliable and friendly, currently enjoying volunteering at local events. Please text Jazmine on 07810 146777.


Volunteers’ Week 3rd - 9th June: A time to say thank you. The Workers Education Association (WEA) has nominated a long-serving local committee member, Robin Bunce, to receive one of the 4 WEA Volunteer of the Year Awards. Volunteers’ Week is an opportunity for the WEA to say a heartfelt thank you. They recognise the fantastic contributions that volunteers make, not just to the WEA but to local communities. During Volunteers’ week the WEA celebrated volunteers’ dedication, passion and spirit, and the time and effort given. The commendation given to Robin read:

“For commitment to Branch and community-led learning. Robin has been a volunteer for Blofield Branch for 18 years. Contributing to the coordination of all aspects of branch management to an extremely high standard, always putting learners first. Fellow branch volunteers say ‘The WEA could not wish for a more well-organised, loyal and supportive member and volunteer’.”

Congratulations to all award winners, and especially to Robin for all he does at Blofield Court House too. The Blofield branch hopes to organise a short course this autumn. Details will be publicised once all has been confirmed. If you would like to know more about the WEA, please check out their website:


We now have a very thriving club which meets every two weeks at Heathlands. Unfortunately, we are still short of volunteers to help with driving our members to the club. We start at 10.00am and finish at 2.30pm. If you could only do it occasionally when we are desperate, through holidays, illness, etc., we would be most grateful. Also, once a month we are short of an able person to help us put tables away after the meeting, this would only take half an hour. If you are able to help us please ring Sarah on 01603 714809 or Barbara on 07749 925566.


Contact us at to be featured in the next issue of the Focal Point Newsletter


A volunteer delivery manager is needed to support with monthly deliveries of the Focal Point Newsletter.
For more information contact the editor via email at

Take the Focal Point with you. Download your copy here.


Focal Point August Newsletter


Focal Point June Newsletter